Tag Archives: mint

Everything benefits from a dip in sea minerals.

My Little $1 pot of mint on special from Bunnings got forgotton. This morning The Good Man spotted it very wilted and sick looking. A day soaking in seasol and what a difference, It’s like me after a visit to a dayspa completely rejuvenated.

Colcannon is a delicious Irish Potato Dish.  Its simple to make.

Mash the potatoes with lots of butter finely chopped onion, parsley and kale. The parsley and kale came from the garden. The kale is finished now.  This last bit was pretty tough so I cooked it before adding it to the potato, then I gave the whole dish a blend with the stick blender.  A little olive oil drizzled on top delicious.


Purple Carrots & Fresh Mint

I finally got my purple carrots from the market though not the garden. There are 3 or 4 growing in the garden but that is it. Thank you local cat.

It has been a full on week with Dr’s and Orthodontists. Oversea suppliers and customers busy busy busy. Meals have been rushed because I have been late home every night.  Amazing really that we didn’t  end up with any takeaway. But the good man and I worked together and we managed to feed everyone decent food every night.

Tonight we had a beef casserole cooked by both of us. The good mans arm is out of action. So I chopped the onion, garlic and mushroom. The butcher had already cut up the meat. Then the good man cooked the dinner while I was at work and running no.1 son to the orthodontist.

So what to have with the beef casserole, mashed potatoes of course and the amazing purple carrots topped with fresh mint.

What I loved about the purple carrots was that they were purple all the way through and when they were cooked they were still a rich purple colour.

Fresh herbs growing in the garden make such a difference they are easy to grow and are there ready and waiting to be picked and added to a meal in seconds.

Intense flavors, healthy lovely food green and leafy growing in the garden.

Coriander Flowers and Fresh Mint Garnish


It has been a frantically busy week.  Cleaning the office on Saturday. Working at the market on Sunday, errands after work Monday and to top everything yesterday the Dr called the good man and said you have a melanoma come tonight and I will take it out.  So his poor arm is swathed in bandages but he is very happy because everything nasty is gone.  It doesn’t end tomorrow after work the twins are off to the orthodontist.  Roll on Saturday. I think I will sleep all day.

But today is a good day. At my work we spent the whole day learning about different agricultural shade fabrics and how they work, how plants grow and thrive under them. Roses love a photo red fabric, apples love blue. It was amazing to see the difference in the grapes grown under shade or grown out in the open. Bigger grapes, a higher yield.  It was fascinating learning about plants and how they grow, and what they need.

I had a little bit of time tonight and worked on my hole full of stones.  It is almost cleared now and is looking more like a garden bed. Hopefully this weekend I will be be able to plant the last few seed potatoes.

Dinner – what would a busy mum do without leftovers.  Rice was cooked with Broad beans from the garden. The left over chicken was stirred through the rice, and garnished with Coriander Flowers and fresh Mint.  The leftover roasted tomatoes were whizzed into a sauce and dinner was served. With lots of food from the garden.   Leafy greens provided by Coriander flowers and mint.

Coriander flowers are very pretty delicate white flowers with a lovely soft coriander flavour combined with the fresh mint they lifted the chicken already flavoured with turmeric and galangal into a very different meal from Sunday night.

Apple, pineapple and fresh mint

  The busiest day today I worked on the bakery stall at the turf club market.  The market is full of beautiful fresh organic food.   These apples are from stanthorpe crisp and tasty.
I cooked a lovely chicken tonight using fresh turmeric and galangal it was delicious but there was no greens from the garden, a buch of watercress from the market added green and leafy to the dish.   Apple and the fresh mint for dessert added a little green and leafy from the garden.