Tag Archives: Mignonette Lettuce

Beetroot, Beetroot leaves walnuts and feta cheese.

I pulled up all the Beetroot today. Its a good job you can eat the leaves because we had one serving of beetroot. We have had a few earlier, but really today was it.  It was very tasty, I cooked it very lightly and sprinkled a little apple cider vinegar over it.  We had too much rain when they were first planted and their growth was stunted,  which sounds odd but true.   Never mind the leaves are great and very healthy leafy green. So we ate them tonight with walnuts and feta cheese.  During the week we will have one of my favourite recipes “Stoved Howtowdie with Drappit Eggs. I will use the rest of the Beetroot leaves instead of spinach.

The garden is growing so beautifully. I am loving everything growing. Today I planted chillis and redid the salad bowl filling it with curly parsley.  More Mizuna lettuce and mignonette lettuce.  I am starting to plan my water garden and thinking about how to grow micro greens simply and easily.